Frieda H. Blackwell
Professor of Spanish
Research/Teaching Interests
- Spanish literature and culture, especially 19th and 20th centuries
Ph.D., Spanish, Vanderbilt University
M.A., Spanish, Vanderbilt University
B.A., English and Spanish, Mars Hill College
Courses Taught at Baylor
Elementary Spanish I & II (SPA 1301 & 1302)
Intermediate Spanish (SPA 2310)
Exploring the Spanish-Speaking World (SPA 2320)
Introduction to Hispanic Literature (SPA 3305)
Spanish Civilization (SPA 3310)
Survey of Spanish Literature from the Eighteenth Century (SPA 3352)
Nineteenth-Century Spanish Literature (SPA 4364)
Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature (SPA 4366)
Topics in Hispanic Language and Literature: Women Writers, Civil War & Dictatorship (SPA 4388)
Spanish Poetry and Drama: 19th and 20th Centuries (SPA 5324)
Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Spanish Narrative (SPA 5326)
Selected Publications
Co-authored with Paul Larson. Guía básica de la crítica literaria y el trabajo de investigación. (Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, 2006; 2nd edition, updated and expanded, Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2021).
“Roots of a Religious Crisis: García Lorca and the Libro de poemas.” Hispania 88:2 (2005): 245-256.
“Narrative Perspective in La novela de Pepe Ansúrez by Torrente Ballester.” Tabla redonda: Anuario de estudios torrentinos 5 (2007): 67-80.
“Hidden Politics and Serious Humor in Los ladrones somos gente honrada by Enrique Jardiel Poncela.” Letras peninsulares (2006-2007): 223-233.
“Delibes’ El hereje, the Historical Novel, Protestantism and the Critique of Spain’s Catholic Church.” Hispanic Journal 34.1 (2013): 43-56.
Book Chapter
- “El tiempo, la memoria y las huellas de la Guerra civil española y la postguerra en Los aires difíciles de Almudena Grandes.” In Almudena Grandes: Memoria, compromiso y resistencia. Helena Talaya and Sara Fernández, eds. (Granada: Valparaíso Ediciones, 2017): 43–56.