Study Abroad
Baylor in Germany
Gear up for a "BiG" 2022! Dr. Wisely and Dr. Good will direct the 2022 program for 6 hours of German credit (German-level appropriate) to spend approximately 35 days in Germany. We anticipate travel to Frankfurt, Berlin and Weimar and will spend 3 weeks in Dresden, where the majority of the classes will take place. Learn to live like a student in Germany, not a tourist! Students must have minimum language level of GER1302 or equivalent; however, the study program is appropriate for all levels of German learners, minors and majors. Students will be placed in levels appropriate to their skill level and will receive credit for 6 hours of German courses. University and German Division scholarships are available. Information will be available at the study abroad fairs and in German classes. You may also contact Dr. Jennifer Good for more information. Application materials will be available in October. Baylor in German is suitable for all majors.
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg Germany
Freiburg University is a Baylor exchange partner and hosts students from Baylor for a semester (usually Spring semester) or year-long programs. Students pay Baylor tuition and study in Freiburg. Freiburg is located in Baden-Württemberg near the Black Forest, France, Switzerland and Austria. Trains and public transportation will allow you access to Germany and Europe for personal travel and Freiburg is a premier University and includes courses across many majors. A minimum level of German language skills (completion of GER2320 or equivalent) is required, and higher levels will allow you to study more broadly across the curriculum. University and German Division scholarships are available. Students generally earn 15+ credits per semester abroad, so you will be able to continue your progress toward graduation. If you are interested in studying a year or a semester in Freiburg, please contact Dr. Ann McGlashan and the Study Abroad office in the Center for Global Engagement. Discuss your plans with your advisor as soon as possible to allow for maximum coordination in major and minor requirements and course scheduling. This program is suitable for all majors. The language of instruction is German in most programs. Some English-language courses may be available.
Ruhr Universität Bochum
Semester study abroad program for various majors; the language of instruction is German. Exchange program led in German, with 2.75 GPA required. Contact the Study Abroad Office for more information.
Baylor Business in Europe
A program offered in Summer I to Baylor applicants only. GPA 2.75 required.