Course Listings
Japanese (JPN)
1301 Introductory Japanese
Introduction to the Japanese language and culture; practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading). Designed to help students progress through novice proficiency levels.
1302 Introductory Japanese
Prerequisite(s): JPN 1301 or two units of high school Japanese.
Introduction to the Japanese language and culture; practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading). Designed to help students progress from novice toward intermediate level proficiency.
2310 Intermediate Japanese
Prerequisite(s): JPN 1301 and 1302 or three units of high school Japanese.
Practice in three communicative modes at intermediate level proficiency: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading) to help students attain intermediate level proficiency in Japanese.
2320 Exploring Japan
Prerequisite(s): JPN 1301, 1302, and 2310 or four units of high school Japanese.
Practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking and writing), and interpretive (listening and reading) to help students develop language skills in Japanese at the intermediate level. Exploring aspects of Japanese culture and society.
3301 Advanced Japanese I
Prerequisite(s): JPN 2320 or consent of instructor.
Integration of intermediate level Japanese reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills with content knowledge to prepare students for advanced level Japanese courses.
3302 Japanese Culture through Reading
Prerequisite(s): JPN 3301 or consent of instructor
Development of reading skills in Japanese through selected texts that focus on some aspect of Japanese culture, including food, literature, cultural identity, current events, and film and criticism. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6 hours credit when topic varies.
3303 Japanese Conversation and Composition
Prerequisite(s): JPN 2320.
Further development of communication skills through conversation and composition.
3304 Japanese Civilization
Prerequisite(s): JPN 3301, 3302, or 3303.
Japanese history and culture in the target language.
3305 Japanese for Business
Prerequisite(s): JPN 2320 or consent of instructor.
Development of cultural competence and Japanese language proficiency in business and other professional workplace situations. Includes authentic and current materials to develop understanding of the business practices, corporations and various industries in Japan.
3306 Japanese Cinema
Prerequisite(s): JPN 2320 or consent of instructor.
Critical analysis of Japanese film from 1950's to present. Designed to develop cultural competence and Japanese proficiency through discussions and presentations.
3352 Japanese Theatre and Culture (Cross-listed as THEA 3352)
History and practice of theatre in Japan from earliest recorded history to the present era.
3V70 Special Topics in Japanese
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Independent study in Japanese language, literature, and culture. With content changed, may be repeated for a total of six hours.
3V9R Research
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Undergraduate research undertaken with the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of six hours.
4V90 Special Topics in Japanese
Prerequisite(s): JPN 3301, JPN 3302, JPN 3303, and JPN 3304; or consent of instructor.
Independent study in Japanese language and culture or literature on a topic selected by the student in consultation with the instructor. With content changed, this course may be repeated once for up to six semester hours of credit.
4V9R Research
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Undergraduate research undertaken with the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of six hours.