Spanish, a Romance language, is the second most spoken language on the planet, behind only Mandarin Chinese. Spanish just recently surpassed English in the number of native speakers and is spoken by 577 million people worldwide according to one recent survey.* It is the language of The Americas, and the number of Spanish speakers is increasing daily. Spanish in the official language of 21 countries and the number of Spanish speakers in the United States will make the US the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world by 2050 (as measured by number of native- and bilingual-speakers), according to a 2015 report by the Instituto Cervantes. Baylor offers courses, study abroad programs, and both an undergraduate and graduate program in order to enhance the learning process.
*Source: Manuel Morales, "Ya somos 577 millones de hispanohablantes," El País (Madrid: 3 Jul 2018).