Course Listings
Korean (KOR)
1301 Elementary Korean I
Introduction to Korean language and culture;practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading). Designed to help students progress through novice proficiency levels.
1302 Elementary Korean II
Prerequisite(s): KOR 1301 or 2 units of high school Korean.
Introduction to the Korean language and culture; practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading). Designed to help students progress from novice toward intermediate level proficiency.
2310 Intermediate Korean I
Prerequisite(s): KOR 1301 or 1302 or three units of high school Korean.
Practice in three communicative modes at intermediate level proficiency: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading) to help students attain intermediate level proficiency in Korean.
2320 Intermediate Korean II
Prerequisite(s): KOR 2310 or four units of high school Korean or approval by instructor.
This course will continue to help students develop spoken and communicative skills in Korean at the intermediate level. Practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading).