Course Listings
Portuguese (POR)
1301 Elementary Portuguese I
Introduction to the Portuguese language and culture: pronunciation, grammar, reading of simple texts, and conversation.
1302 Elementary Portuguese II
Prerequisite(s): POR 1301 or two units of high school Portuguese.
Continuation of POR 1301.
2310 Intermediate Portuguese I
Prerequisite(s): POR 1301 and 1302 or three units of high school Portuguese.
Conversation, composition, cultural readings, and grammar review.
2320 Exploring the Portuguese-Speaking World
Prerequisite(s): POR 1301, 1302, and 2310 or four units of high school Portuguese.
Continuation of POR 2310.
⭐NEW⭐ 3301 Exploring Brazilian Pop Culture Course Description: This course introduces students to the vibrant and multifaceted world of Brazilian pop culture. Through an examination of music, film, literature, sports, and other forms of expression, students will gain a deep understanding of Brazil's cultural diversity and significance on the global stage. By studying these topics in English, students will be encouraged to explore the Portuguese language and gain a deeper insight into Brazilian culture.
Discover our Portuguese lecturer, Dr. Gustavo Costa.