Outside the Classroom
Charla & Tutoring
Need help enhancing your Spanish Language skills? Charla & Tutoring are here to help. Register and make your appointments. All tutoring and charla are conducted by graduate students who will record your attendance. If you are coming for class credit, your credit will be recorded after the session.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Rafael Climent-Espino Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese
Director of the Graduate Program
Office: Burleson 101.04 Phone: (254) 710-3897
La Tertulia
La Tertulia is a weekly conversation group offered to high intermediate and advanced classes. We discuss different topics related to Latin America and Spain. We also compare and contrast some issues with the American culture. Sometimes we discuss issues related to language learning and sociology related to language. We use some interesting videos and/or short readings to have students engaged in conversation. Sometimes we have snacks or typical food from a Hispanic country so that students broaden their horizons on the Hispanic culture. Heritage and native speakers are welcome to join!
We will meet every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. in Old Main 271 beginning 1/30.
For more information, please contact:
Professor José Luis Escorcia Senior Lecturer in Spanish
Office: Draper 346.05 Phone: (254) 710-7553
Café Social
Café Social is an opportunity to socialize, practice, and enjoy an atmosphere of camaraderie with other native Spanish Speakers and Spanish Language students. Café Social follows topics designed for SPA 1301, but any level student may join us!
We will meet every Tuesday from 2/6 in Old Main 271 from 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
For more information, please contact:
Professor Patricia Escamilla Lecturer in Spanish
Office: Draper 142.01 Phone: (254) 710-6816
Plática bilingüe
Plática bilingüe is a weekly conversation hour for students enrolled in Spanish as a heritage language classes, regardless of their level in the program. Our plática is a space for heritage students to build community and chat about various cultural topics.
We will meet every Monday from 2/3 in Old Main 271 from -4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Isabella Calafate Assistant Professor of Spanish
Office: Draper 346.12 Phone: (254) 710-7329