Yuko Prefume
Senior Lecturer in Japanese

Research/Teaching Interests
International virtual exchange for Japanese language learners
Japanese food, culture, and society
Critical content-based instruction
Computer-assisted language learning
BIJ in Minamisanriku – digital archive for service activities
Ed.D., Baylor University
M.S., Baylor University
B.A., Baylor University
Courses Taught at Baylor
Introductory Japanese (JPN1301)
Elementary Japanese (JPN1302)
Intermediate Japanese (JPN2310)
Exploring Japan (JPN2320)
Advanced Japanese I (JPN3301)
Japanese Culture through Reading (JPN3302)
Japanese Conversation and Composition (JPN3303)
Japanese Civilization (JPN3304)
Honors and Awards
American Association of Teachers of Japanese Teaching Award
Texas Foreign Language Association Teachers of the Year for College/University
Baylor Outstanding Faculty
BaylorPlus Salute
Baylor Fellows Academy for Teaching and Learning, 2018-2019
Selected Publications
Co-authored with Akiko Murata and Hiroshi Tajima. Shoku de kangaeru nihon shakai [Diving into Japanese Culture and Society through Food]. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishing, 2023.
Co-authored with A. Murata, Y. Hasegawa, A. Kawachi, and N. Takemaya. Yasashii kotobade kokusaikoryu [International Exchange in Basic Languages: Activities for Exchange Partners]. Multicultural Societies and Language Education, 3, 1–81. (2023).
Book Chapters:
Co-authored with A. Murata, M. Mariotti, and M. Dao Thi Nga. "Kyodo no fukasa no mosaku [Scaffolding for Japanese language learners]." In Onrain kokusaikoryu to kyodo gakusyuu:t tabunka kyosei no tame ni [International virtual exchange and collaborative learning: Fostering cultural diversity and inclusion]. Ed. A. Murata (Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishing, 2022).
Co-authored with A. Murata. "Nihongo gakushusha no tame no skaforudingu [Scaffolding for Japanese language learners]." In Onrain kokusaikoryu to kyodo gakusyuu:t tabunka kyosei no tame ni [International virtual exchange and collaborative learning: Fostering cultural diversity and inclusion]. Ed. A. Murata (Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishing, 2022).
"Hisaichi no hitobito no koe o tsutaeru tabunnka fiirudo waaku [Multiculturalf fieldwork to tell the stories of tsunami survivors]." In Fiirudo waaku no manabikata: Kokusai gakusei tono kyodoo kara onrain made [Learning fieldwork: From collaboration with international students to online data collection]. A. Murata, A. Minoo, and S. Sato, eds. (Tokyo: Nakanishiya Publishing, 2022): 72–79.
Co-authored with K. Shimasaki and R. Watanabe. "Higashinihon daishinsai no hisaichi deno nichibei no daigakusei niyoru kokusaikyousyu purojekuto [Collaborative International Learning Project Involving Japanese and American University Students in a Community Hit by the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami]." In Gengokyoikujissen: Ima x Koko [Practices in Language Deducation: Now x Here]. (Tokyo: Koko Publishing, 2019).
Co-authored with K. Shimasaki. " Gengo no kabe o koeru”: Translanguaging no manabiai" [Overcoming the Language Barrier: Learning from Translanguaging]." In Tayōsei ga hiraku manabi no decani: Shutaiteki・taiwateki ni tasya to manabu kyōyōkyōiku no riron to jissen [The Design of Learning through Diversity: The Theory and Practice of Liberal Arts Education for Learning with Others in a Proactive and Interactive Manner]. Satō, T. and M. Takahashi, eds. (Tokyo: Akaishi Shoten, 2020): 111-136.
"Chapter 6: Home Visit and Homestay." In Challenge: Multicultural Experiential Learning Workbook. A. Murata, K. Nakayama, T. Fujiwara, and T. Morishige, eds. (Osaka: Nakanishiya Publishing, 2019).
Co-authored with Y. Takeuchi. "Hokubei no daigakusei no nihontaiken puroguramu o tsuujita manabi: Tohokuhisaichishisatsu shienkatudou o chuchin ni. [Experiential Learning in Japan: The Community Service Experience of North American Students in Tohoku]." In Daigaku ni okeru tabunkataikengakusyuu heno chosen – kaigai to kokunai o tunagu manabi to hurikaeri. [Promoting Multicultural Experiential Learning in Higher Education: Visualizing Multicultural Learning in and beyond Japan]. Ed. Murata, A. (Osaki: Nakanishiya Publishing, 2018): 152-169.
Co-authored with Y. Takeuchi. "Active Report on Community-Based Experience and Service through Intensive Japanese Study Abroad Program: The Possibility of Raising Students' Social Service Awareness." Proceedings of the 23rd Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum: World Peace, Thoughtfulness, Respect and Language Education: What Can Japanese Language Education Contribute? (New Jersey: Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University, 2017): 259-270.
Journal Article
"Constructivism in Foreign Language Learning." Academic Exchange Quarterly 11.1 (2007): 5-9.