Xin Wang
Associate Professor of Chinese Division Director of African & Asian Languages
Research/Teaching Interests
- Contemporary Chinese society and culture
- The middle class in China
- Education in China
- Asian Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Interdisciplinary teaching on globalization
Ed.D., Higher Education (International Education and Sociology of Education), Baylor University
M.S. Ed., Educational Administration and Leadership, Baylor University
B.A., English Language and Literature, Xi’an University of Finance and Economics (China)
Courses Taught at Baylor
- Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture (AST 4310 & 4388)
- World Cultures (BIC 1324 & 4374)
- Contemporary Chinese Literature I & II (CHI 4301 & 4302)
- Business in China I & II (CHI 3305 & 3306)
- All levels of Chinese Language courses
Selected Publications
X. Wang. (2010). Higher Education as a Field of Study in China: Defining Knowledge and Curriculum Structure. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (165 pages).
Selected Journal Articles
X. Wang. (2024). The Impact of COVID and US Foreign Policies on Chinese Students in the United States, Journal of International Mobility. Volume 12(3), pp. 45-67.
X. Wang. (2024). Caught in the Geopolitical Tensions between China and the United States: Impacts on Chinese Studies Pursuing American Higher Education. Journal of International Students, Volume 14(4), pp. 1009-1028. DOI:
X. Wang. (2024). Socioeconomic status, cosmopolitanism, and educational aspirations: A study of China’s middle-class students pursuing higher education in the U.S., International Journal of Chinese Education, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 1-19. DOI:
X. Wang. "Uncertainty for Chinese Students in the United States." East Asia Forum Quarterly (2021).
X. Wang. "Capital, Habitus, Social Reproduction, and Education in Post-Mao China: Understanding Motivations of Middle-Class Students in Pursuing Studying Abroad in the United States." Journal of Education and Philosophy 52.12 (2020): 1314-1328. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1767074.
X. Wang. "Campus Sexual Assaults: Reexamining University Governance and Moral Leadership in the United States." Journal of Soochow University (Educational Science Edition), Suzhou (China) 13. 3 (2016): 118-125 [in Chinese].
X. Wang. "MOOC’s Global Footprint and Its Implications for Internationalization of Higher Education." Journal of Soochow University (Educational Science Edition), Suzhou (China) 11.3 (2014): 112-117 [in Chinese].
X. Wang. "Desperately Seeking Status: China’s Rising Middle Class and Its Political, Social, and Cultural Attributes." Modern China Studies 23.1 (2013): 1-30.
X. Wang. "Seeking Channels for Engagement: Media Use in the Political Communication of the Rising Middle Class in China." China: An International Journal 7.1 (2009): 31-56.
X. Wang. "Divergent Identities, Convergent Interests: Civic Awareness of the Rising Middle-Income Stratum in China." Journal of Contemporary China 17.54 (2008): 53-69.
Selected Book Chapters
X. Wang. & Liu, Y. L. (2023). Desire for Cosmopolitanism and Entrepreneurialism in the Age of De-Globalization, in Michael Mu & Karen Dooley (eds.), Bourdieu and Sino–Foreign Higher Education Structures and Practices in Times of Crisis and Change, Routledge. Pp. 53-69. DOI:
X. Wang. "Global footprints and localization: The rise of MOOCs in China." In MOOCs and higher education: What went right, what went wrong and where to next? Rebecca Bennett & Mike Kent, eds. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2017): 46-57.
X. Wang. "Conflicted Images: Producing and Consuming Images of the Middle Class in China’s Media." In The Middle Class in Emerging Societies: Consumers, Lifestyles and Markets. Leslie Marsh and Hongmei Li, eds. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2015): 58-81.
X. Wang. "In Pursuit of Status: The Rising Consumerism of China’s Middle Class." In The Changing Landscape of China’s Consumerism. Alison Hulme, ed. (London: Chandos, 2014): 1-22. DOI: 10.1533/9781780634425.1.
X. Wang. "Artistry and Commercialism in Zhang Yimou’s Filmmaking in the Last Two Decades." In Dekalog 4: On East Asian Filmmakers. Kate E. Taylor-Jones, ed. (London and New York: Wallflower Press and Columbia University Press, 2011): 62-79.
X. Wang. "Self-Identity and Civic Consciousness of the Newly Emerged Middle Class in China [中国新兴的中间阶层及其自我认同与公民意识]." In Social Classes in Transitional China [中国社会转型中的阶级]. Yang Su, Shizheng Feng and Chunping Han, eds. (Beijing, China: Social Science Academy CSSA Press, 2010): 201-223 [in Chinese].